
Blacksoutthebackofthestatusbartohidethe'Notch'•Package:Notchless•com.spark.notchless•SparkDev•CydiaiOSRepositoryUpdatesfor...,iPhone也能實現AOD,待機時螢幕也能持續顯示日期與時間·CydiaiOS11插件,CydiaiOS12插件...Notchless.iPhoneX不需換桌布或App也能讓「瀏海」永久消失·Cydia ...,Blacksoutthebackofthestatusbartohidethe'Notch'•Package:Notchless•com.spark.notchless•SparkDev•CydiaiOSRepositoryUpdatesfo...

com.spark.notchless • Spar...

Blacks out the back of the status bar to hide the 'Notch' • Package: Notchless • com.spark.notchless • SparkDev • Cydia iOS Repository Updates for ...

Cydia iOS11 插件

iPhone也能實現AOD,待機時螢幕也能持續顯示日期與時間 · Cydia iOS11 插件, Cydia iOS12 插件 ... Notchless. iPhone X 不需換桌布或App也能讓「瀏海」永久消失 · Cydia ...

iOS Repo Updates

Blacks out the back of the status bar to hide the 'Notch' • Package: Notchless • com.spark.notchless • SparkDev • Cydia iOS Repository Updates for ... 74 ...

iPhone X 不需換桌布或App也能讓「瀏海」永久消失

還在煩惱iPhone X的瀏海造型嗎?現在有個方法不需換桌布或App,就能讓瀏海消失, Notchless 是一款能夠讓iPhone X 的瀏海完全消失的插件,這也是不少iPhone X.


Notchless. Blacks out the back of the status bar to hide the 'Notch'. Screenshots. What's New? Latest Version: 2.5.0-rootless. Rootless Support. Your device is ...

Top Cydia Sileo Repos for iOS 10

2024年2月26日 — Here are the top Cydia / Sileo Repos for iOS 12 – 17.3.1 for the best tweaks, themes and utilities to install on your jailbroken iPhone.


... of the device. Soon. X. Notchless. Blacks out the back of the status bar to hide the notch. Soon. X. TapticKeys. Taptic feedback on keyboard presses. Soon. X ...

[Question] Is there a free Notchless Alternative tweak for ...

2019年9月2日 — I heard of Notchless, but apparently it's a paid tweak, which I don't have the money for atm. Does anyone know a free alternative tweak to ...

[Release] eggNotch, hide your notch the right way, now ...

2020年5月4日 — Notchless has far more options, to include application blacklisting and disabling the statusbar in landscape mode. This tweak doesn't even ...